Monday, June 9, 2014

My Journey: Using Gifts of the Earth

There is a woman in my life, that is like a Mother to me; she is a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. She works with the elderly every day, prescribing medicine and diagnosing ailments. Her love for nursing started when she was a young girl and she earned her degree while living poor and raising me alone. After over 14 years in the field, She got sick.

It started with not being able to sleep well and feeling irritated and kind of itchy. She slowly started loosing weight, having anxiety and scratching her arms a lot. Being in healthcare, she went to see her doctor and eventually a dermatologist for the skin on her arms. She also partakes in eastern medicine and sees a chiropractor and kinesiologist who delivers preventative, structural, chemical and emotional healthcare strategies. She wasnt getting better though.

At one time, she had traveled the world with a tour group - another lifelong dream fulfilled in the last 10 or so years. Due to her illness, she had to cancel all of her trips. She wasn't making her normal yearly plans because she could hardly get through the week. The wrinkles in her face started to become deeper I was afraid for her.

Eventually her anxiety was so intense she could hardly play with her grandchildren, hardly slept and itched all the time. She said crazy things about feeling like bugs were crawling in her skin. Her arms were scarred and other parts of her body scaly or bumpy or had hives or dry patches. She could hardly get through her days and work became exhausting. At one point we took her to the ER (actually twice I think) they wanted to sedate her and couldn't diagnose it - only gave her ways to cover the symptoms.

She went to a few more doctors to get second opinions, she took warm baths, sleeping pills and eventually was prescribed Xanax. I thought she was suffering from early dementia or mental illness; she was only 60. I missed her, I was sad for her, she could hardly talk on the phone, and she ended up taking a medical leave from work. She almost got addicted to the Xanax because it slowed brain function, settle her itching and she was able to eat again. Luckily she had a wonderful husband who supported her during this time.

Finally, a doctor diagnosed her with Scabies and sent her home with the normal, toxic cream, which intensified her insomnia and feeling ill with headaches everyday. The scabies didn't go away. By now they were deep in her mattress, clothing, and carpeting. She tried everything, daily vacuuming, dumping the canister, special protective sheets on the bed, plastic, all different kinds, ordering hundreds of dollars in items from the internet for the house. Her body was full of rashes and scars. Then after more research and a second application of the toxic cream, she washed clothes daily, in special detergents for scabies, it went on and on for two months! Then after tons more research, she tried essential oils - different kinds, but the only one kind worked was DoTerra essential.

She washed her clothes in a mixture that included Neem oil, she did a lot of differnt essential oil applications to her body, clothing and the house, and finally the scabies started to die. Her arms were full of scars, but at least she started sleeping at night. She eventually went back to work. After 9 months my mother was almost back to normal.

That is the short version of a very long journey of my "moms" emotional experience that led me to DoTerra essential oils - it was intense and I thank them for The Gift of the Earth (that is what DoTerra means in Latin).

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